At 5PM today will conclude the first week of bootcamp with Awesome Inc.

This was most likely the easiest week, yet there is already tons of material to learn. Like all things it started off simple: Just using HTML, and creating web pages, on the second day we moved to CSS, we are now at the end of the week working with Gulp and SASS to assist us in website design. Despite my initial reservations having read the internets general opinion about bootcamps I can honestly say that I’m learning a lot more, and a lot faster than I would have on my own.

I joined the boot camp because I was interested in growing my skills in technology and expanding my carrier into one that involves web development. I started working in technology in the US Army and I found out that I learn best when pressure is placed on me to learn. The environment is exactly what I could have hoped. Assignments, and all work, are based not on homework but instead projects that teach you the skills that any given web developer must employ.

One technology I learned here that I had seen and used before is github, however I never pushed anything to git hub, and certianly not from terminal. Using the ‘git push origin master’ in stead of using the buttons on github to accheive the same effect is much faster. Github allows me to direct my workflow much easier than dragging and dropping with terminal. Cloning repositories in terminal is far easier than I would have expected it would have been.

Even at this point I can say that I’ve learned enough at AwesomeInc to justify having come to bootcamp.

Cheers, Joshua Tucker